virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit

virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit

Thông tin kit: 

The kit contains a ready-to-use PCR mix and enzyme mix and the required positive and negative controls. With this kit, both reverse transcription and PCR are performed in one reaction tube, reducing the risk of contamination.

RNA is extracted from the sample material (blood, plasma, serum, ear tissue, or milk) using a suitable sample preparation kit. The virotype Tissue Lysis Reagent provides a fast, easy-to-use, and convenient method for RNA preparation from ear tissue samples. The extracted RNA is used for the RT-PCR, which is run on a thermal cycler.

Thông tin đặt hàng

Cat No./ID: 280373 virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit (24)

For 24 reactions: PCR Mix, Enzyme Mix, Positive Control, Negative Control

Cat No./ID: 280375 virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit (96)

For 96 reactions: PCR Mix, Enzyme Mix, Positive Control, Negative Control

Cat No./ID: 280377 virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit (480)

For 480 reactions: PCR Mix, Enzyme Mix, Positive Control, Negative Control