virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit

virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit

1. Thông tin kit

The virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit allows the safe detection of RNA from classical swine fever virus (CSFV) in samples from pigs and wild boar. The kit contains all of the reagents for real-time RT-PCR in a single ready-to-use reaction mix. It can be used with individual or pooled serum, plasma, EDTA-stabilized blood, and tissue samples.

The virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit is for veterinary use only.

The kit contains a ready-to-use mix with all of the necessary reagents for the detection of CSFV RNA and the required positive and negative controls. With this kit, both reverse transcription and PCR are performed in one reaction tube, reducing the risk of contamination.

RNA is extracted from the sample material (serum, plasma, EDTA-stabilized blood, and tissue) using a suitable sample preparation kit. The extracted RNA is used for the RT-PCR, which is run on a thermal cycler.